Title: Cash-Based Interventions Officer, P3
Duration and type of assignment: Temporary Appointment (TA); until end 2017, renewable
Duty Station and Country: Dar es Salaam, Tanzania with frequent field visits.
While cash-based interventions (CBIs) have been used in UNHCR operations since the early 1980‘s, the Agency has made a renewed institutional commitment to scale up and institutionalize CBIs across its operations and institutional structure. On 13 October 2016, the High Commissioner has formally adopted UNHCR’s Policy on Cash-Based Interventions. The Policy reconfirms UNHCR’s commitment to the expanded and systematic use of CBIs across operations as a modality of assistance and service delivery that provides greater dignity of choice to those we serve and improves efficiency and effectiveness in the provision of protection and solutions. The Policy also sets out UNHCR’s corporate vision and objectives for CBIs to be institutionalized by 2020.
As of November 2016, Tanzania hosts more than 248,000 refugees and asylum-seekers, mainly from Burundi (183,069) and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) (65,205). The majority of these persons of concern are hosted in three refugee camps namely Nyarugusu, Nduta and Mtendeli in North Western Tanzania. As a result, the operation currently caters to the needs of protracted refugees in the case of Nyarugusu, while continuing to respond to emergency influxes from Burundi and relocations from Nyarugusu in Nduta and Mtendeli.
Based on a number of existing feasibility studies that were carried out by UNHCR, WFP and NGO’s and a number of small-scale CBI pilot interventions, cash-based interventions are increasingly recognized as a potentially appropriate response modality within the context of Tanzania to meet the basic needs of refugees.
The UNHCR Representation in Tanzania is therefore looking for a Cash-based Interventions Officer to support the institutionalization of CBIs within the operation.
Scope of work and reporting structure
The main scope of work of the Cash-Based Interventions Officer will be to work together with the country team to move towards the design and the implementation of CBI. The Officer will also ensure relevant documents (strategy, cash concept note, SOPs, etc.) are revised and finalized. S/he will ensure that CBIs are in line with best practice and organizational guidance, and take protection concerns into consideration. S/he will play an important role in building the capacity within the Country Team and help the Office with the establishment of CBI capabilities and infrastructure.
S/he will report to the Deputy Representative at UNHCR Representation Office in Dar es Salaam, while working closely with the Senior Programme Officer and other key stakeholders. The CBI Officer will be based in Dar es Salaam and undertake missions to the refugee camps in North Western Tanzania as required.
Functional Statement
Accountability (key results that will be achieved)
-CBI operational strategy for material support to two populations of concern agreed upon with the country team.
-CBI Standard Operating Procedures are developed according to UNHCR guidelines and good practice established, with the overall objective of contributing to the well-being of beneficiaries.
-Finalise a strategy and design a detailed action plan for UNHCR to set up and implement CBI, considering the possibility of scaling up CBI over time.
- Interagency coordination; Liaise with other key stakeholders in the country (NGOs and UN agencies) who are considering or implementing cash-based interventions to ensure complementarity and efficiency gains in the design and implementation of CBIs.
- Identify skill and knowledge gaps related to CBIs among UNHCR and partners, and address these through training and capacity building.
-Transfer values for monetised NFI and other interventions are defined and agreed upon with the country team.
-Contribute to the institutionalisation of CBI in Tanzania, in line with the CBI policy, and the development of procedures and capacity to enable UNHCR Tanzania to use CBI in a systematic and accountable manner.
-Support the country office to design in a participatory manner CBI to deliver assistance and services to refugees in Tanzania. This will include working with the country team on the finalization of the CBI Standard Operating Procedures.
- Provide technical assistance and advice to field offices in North Western Tanzania on CBIs in emergencies and protracted displacement situations. Also establish Multi-functional taskforce on CBI at field and RO Dar levels.
-Co-chair cash working group, and participate in coordination meetings and working sessions with other CBI partners (particularly with WFP), government and other relevant partners to ensure a harmonised approach to CBI, including in emergency.
-Train and build the capacity of UNHCR and partners in CBI across sectors and support mainstreaming in functional areas.
-Revise and finalise CBI strategy, cash concept note including preparing work plan and SOPs on CBI in the Tanzania Operation.
-Establish a system to collect data on prices (increase and decrease) and monitor the effects of those fluctuations on the markets in the areas of operation to ensure effective and improved programming.
-Identify new risks, where necessary, and update the protection risks matrix as well as collaborate with protection colleagues to develop and implement timely and appropriate mitigation measures to address the risks identified;
-Remain abreast and maintain/facilitate effective communication between CBI section at headquarter, Regional Support Center and UNHCR Tanzania. Additionally, identify human resource needs and supports recruitment as and when required.
-Participate in needs assessments and gap analysis, planning/designing, monitoring & evaluation of CBI programme as well as contribute timely updates for briefing and provide regular reports including Mid-Year and End-of-Year Reports;
-Undertake other duties as required.
Required Qualifications:
- Advanced university degree (Master’s or equivalent) in economics, social sciences, political science or other relevant field;
-Minimum 6 years of relevant work experience, including field experience, and a minimum of 3 years of international experience in CBI with a UN Agency and/or an INGO.
- Excellent knowledge of English;
- Knowledge of CBI in displacement settings and humanitarian situations;
- Demonstrated experience in technical development, field support, and training/capacity building related to CBI;
-Knowledge of UNHCR programmes;
- Previous experience in international networking, preferably related to CBI (incl. external partnerships, high level meetings and networks).
Deadline: 4 January 2017
Deadline: 4 January 2017. v